Jumat, 18 November 2011

Twitter Tips and Tricks : Best Free Twitter Tools

When you jump on twitter, many people dont know how to start. Some people have thousand followers (people who following user) in short time, some people only have hundred followers in very long time. And if you're not someone who famous, just ordinary people like me, but want to have thousand followers in short time, you should know the most important tolls for twitter which can easily manage your twitter.

These are Twitter Tips and Tricks for Best Free Twitter Tools you should know :

1. Unfollow detector
Many people who follow you (followers) decide to unfollow you after you following back. This happen, neither because they don't like your tweet (what you are says in your time line) or they just people who unfollow many followers just because they want look like have many fans, like famous people, example like a Hollywood movie star or a singer. What ever their reason, for me, I will unfollow back those people, because why we should hear what they said if they not willing to hear what we said?
Now, if you try to find out who those people who un-fullow you by checking 1 by 1 at twitter following page, it will be stressful and very time consuming (Imagine if you have to find, say, 3 people who unfollow you from 10,000 follower). But lucky, by reading this article about Twitter Tips and Tricks, you'll know that this site : Who.Unfollowed.Me provide tool to detect who unfollow you. This tool are free to use and you dont have to download anything. This is the first tools you should join, because this site only can detect unfollowers from the first time you join to the future, not check unfollowers in the past.

2. Mass Following people who has same interest with you.
The best way to get followers fast is by following people, because many people usually following you back (become your followers). And of course you need to know which people you should to follow base of your interest. Say you a singer, say Justin Bieber, surely you don't want to follow those people who hate Justin Bieber. To know people who has same interest with you from 15 million twitter user, again, very stressful and time consuming. There's many site who provide mass follow, one of them is FollowerTweet
After you following people who has some interest with you, mention their name, say something like this : "I'm #Following @...... @.... @.... @.... ". Usually they follow you back. Remember, DO NOT ASK THEM TO FOLLOW YOU BACK. Some people will consider you as a spammer if you ask them to follow you back. Just make it like notification that you're now following them.

3. Mass Unfollow people who not following you back
After you mass following people then mention their name, some of them may not following you back. If you want to unfollow those people, you can use tools that available freely at ManageFlitter. This site will tell you who not following you back, complete with data of those people, like their last tweet, following, followers, etc. If you using this site, remember, DO NOT MASS UNFOLLOW MORE THEN 20 PEOPLE AT ONCE. Do it random between 1 to 20, because if not, twitter will detect it and your account will be suspended.

4. Mass Follow Back (Reciprocate) people who follow you
If you active following people, sometime people's who following you without notice will buried deep by others who you follow, especially if you not online for few days after you following many people. Easy way to find who are those people is also available freely on the net, example at Tweepi. At those site, they will give you details on who is following you that you haven't following back. The important one you should see is "link tweeted" by those people. Surely you, like me, dont want to follow people who only tweeting advertising without ever make conversation with anyone (those people are only robot).

5. Auto Direct Message (DM) as welcome message to your followers
If someone following you, it is better you send them a welcome message, either its only like "Thank you for following me.. " or for advertising purpose. There's site that provide not only you can setup for auto DM, but you can also do automation on following people. Dont worry, this tools available freely at SocialOomph. For your information, I turn off those auto follow, because I see that their tools did not detect people who tweet only ads (robot).

6. Auto List to make your list automatic
List are something that u shouldn't ignore in Twitter. List is to manage your followers, example : "Team Follow Back" for those people who always follow back, etc. If you dont do automation on your list, then it will consume a lot of time. Just imagine if you got 100 followers per day, and you put them manually in your list, you wont have time to Tweet. Lucky there's site who offer automation on List : Formulist

I think that's all twitter tips trick I use to gain followers fast. And if you wonder my twitter stats, you can check it here : MyTwitterStats.

Oooppss... One more thing, if you have twitter please promote me: @TFB_Lovers. Dont worry, I will follow them all back.. :D

P.S : Please vote, put some comment and tweet it, so I can make my Twitter Tips and Tricks articles better.. 1 more think, after you familiar with those tools, I wrote about Twitter Tips and Tricks : FREE 100 - 1000 followers per day!!  And finally, thank you for reading.. :D

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