Jumat, 18 November 2011

Real Talk Quotes

" H.A.T.E.R.S = Having Anger Toward Everyone Reaching Success."

 "77% of girls think they’re ugly. 50% of girls think they’re fat. 100% of society should stop insulting girls for their appearance.."

"Perhaps our eyes need to be washed by our tears once in a while, so that we can see life with a clearer view again.. "

"GUYS: U can never change her past, but u can create the most beautiful future that any woman has ever seen.."

"Its not about people who act true to ur face. It’s about people who remain true behind ur back.."

"Sometimes u gotta shut up, swallow ur pride and accept that u’re wrong. It’s not giving up. It’s called growing up.. "
"Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, a lady with class.."
"If a girl ever steals ur man, there’s no better revenge than letting her keep him. REAL MEN can’t be stolen!"

"Running away from ur problems is a race u’ll never win.. "

"Sometimes the person u want most is the person u’re best without.."

"Every girl has her best friend, boyfriend, and true love.. She is really lucky if they’re all the same person..
"Worry about ur character and not ur reputation, coz ur character is who u are, and ur reputation is only what people think of u.."

"People will hate u, rate u, shake u, and break u. How strong u stand is what MAKES u.. "

"Girls, if a guy tells u he is different, he is just like all the others. If he really is different, he’ll show u, not tell u.."

"Seeing people change isn’t what hurts, what hurts is remembering how they used to be.. "

"It’s hard to answer the question “what’s wrong” when nothings right.. "

"Time can heal a broken heart, but time can also break a waiting heart..""

"Smiles are like band-aids, they cover up the wound but it still hurts.."

"Guys always make girls cry, but if a girl can make a guy cry, she must really mean something to him... "

"At some point, u have to realize that some people can stay in ur heart, but not in ur life..."

"If u were happy with the wrong one, just think how happy u will be when the right one comes.. "

"Every girl can dream of fairy tales and every girl needs at least one to come true.. "

"When u stop chasing the wrong things, u give the right things a chance to catch u.. "

"If u want to feel rich, count the things u have that money can’t buy.. "

"Pretending to be happy when u’re in pain is just an example of how strong u are as a person.. "

"The 3 C’s of life : make the (C)hoice to take the (C)hance if you want anything to (C)hange.."

"Dear girls, every calorie is not a war. U are beautiful, no matter what u eat.. "

"Silence is the best way to let someone know they did u wrong.."

"Don’t worry about people that don’t like u, enjoy the ones who do.. "

"For me, it’s not about forcing happiness.. It’s about not letting sadness win.."

"Life is like Twitter. U can’t control what people say and do. U can just follow or unfollow them.. "

"Don’t blame people for disappointing u. Blame urself for expecting too much.. "

"Life is a boomerang. What u give, u get.. "

"Mistakes are meant for learning, not repeating.. "

"Sometimes life doesn’t give u something u want, not because u don’t deserve it, but because u deserve more.. "

"It’s ironic, how we often forget the things worth remembering, but remember the things worth forgetting.."

"The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest.. "

"A good boyfriend can’t fix all ur problems, but he can promise u won’t face them alone.. "

"A man who treats his woman like a PRINCESS is a proof that he has been born and raised in the arms of a QUEEN.. "

"Never change who u're just because somebody else has a problem with it.."

"If u can’t be a pencil to write anyone’s happiness, then try to be a nice eraser to remove someone’s sadness.. "

"Never give up on something u really want. It’s difficult to wait, but more difficult to regret.."

"Everybody have dreams, only few of them who wake up and make it a reality.. "

"I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged to my faith and now I’m marrying my dreams... "

"Sometimes we don’t need advice. We just need somebody to listen... "

"Love ur haters, because they are ur biggest fans. They keep on wasting time just to watch ur every wrong move.. "

"It’s so funny how the people who know the least about u, have the most to say.."

"Whoever invented the “copy and paste” has saved many hours of my life..."

"A true friend is someone who sees the pain in ur eyes while everyone else believes the smile on ur face..."

"Don’t complain about someone not treating u right. If u know u deserve better, why are u with them?"

"U don’t really need someone to complete u. U only need someone to accept u completely..."

"Dear haters, don’t criticize me for my flaws and mistakes when u can’t even see ur own.."

 "Being real must be a sin, coz I keep getting punished for keeping it real..."

"There's no such thing as the perfect guy, but there are some guys who make u feel like u're the perfect girl.."

"One day someone will walk into ur life, and u will know why it never worked out with any one else.. "

"Falling in love and fixing a broken heart have something in common: they both take time.. " 

"If the person u love makes u lose who u are, then they aren't the one for u.. "

"The only 3 things a guy should wanna change about his girl is her last name, her address and her point of view on men... "

"Caring for someone is easy, but to make someone care for u is difficult.. "

"There’s just some days when it all seems to be wrong and nothing feels right.. "

"We don’t always get what we want, sometimes, we get something better.. "'

"Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when u realize that u`re wrong.. "

"Silence and smile are two powerful words. Smile is the way to solve many problems and Silence is the way to avoid many problems... "

"God puts people in ur life for a reason, and removes them from ur life for a better reason... "

"If people have a problem with u, always remember, it is THEIR problem.. "

"Sometimes friends can let you down, but once in a while they are the only reason that you are standing up.. "

"I love the ones who are in my life and make it amazing.. I also love the ones who left my life and made it fantastic. "

"Some people are more interested in other people’s lives than their own.. "

"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it... "

Silence speak very loudly but it is amazing how many people don’t take the time to listen.." 

"If you don`t dream big, there`s no use of dreaming. If you don`t have faith, there`s nothing worth believing.." 

"It doesn’t matter what people say about you. It matters what you’re going to do to them after they say it.. "

3 komentar:

  1. "I'm the author of my life.Unfortunately I'm writing in pen so I. can't erase my mistakes.."

    "Only if life can ► Play The Moments ▌▌ Pause The Memories ■ Stop The Pain ◄◄ Rewind The Happiness.. "

    "why do old people drive like they have all the time in the world, but young people drive like their days are limited?"

    "Real men never stop trying to show a woman how much she means to him, even after he got her.."

    "Love doesn’t need to be equal or be fair, it only needs to be real.. "

    "Never underestimate a girl’s ability to find things out.. "

    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.."

    "Don’t be so quick to judge me. After all, u only see what I choose to show u.."

  2. "Life ends when u stop dreaming, hope ends when u stop believing & love ends when u stop caring. So dream, hope & love.. Makes life beautiful"

    "Real tears are not those that fall from the eyes and cover the face, but those that fall from the heart and cover the soul.."

    "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are..."

    "Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.."

    "The one’s that are hardest to love, are usually the one that need it the most.."

    "Sometimes u just have to smile pretend everything is okay, hold back the tears and just walk away.."

    "No smile is as beautiful as the one that struggles through the tears.."

    "Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch ur habits; they become character. Watch ur character; it becomes ur destiny.."

    "There are only two ways to live ur life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.."

    "He who knows, and knows not that he knows, he is asleep, wake him. He who knows and knows that he knows, he is wise, follow him.."

    "U don’t make mistakes, mistakes make u..."

    "The mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work unless it’s open.."

    "Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about dancing in the rain.."

    "God, if I can’t have what I want, let me want what I have.."

    "Life is like a hot bath. It feels good while u’re in it, but the longer u stay in, the more wrinkled u get.."

    "If u're single, it doesn’t mean you’re not good enough. It means no one is good enough for you.."

    "Don't tell God how big your problem is, tell the problem how big your God is.."

    "Dont count every hour in the day, make every hour in the day count..."

    "No one in this world is pure and perfect.. If u avoid the persons for their mistakes,then u will always be alone in this world.. "

    "Losers are those who have fun. Winners are those who try hard.."

    "Truth is, everyone in life is going to hurt u, u just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.."

    "Life is a ticket to the greatest show on earth.."

    "Be mindful what u toss away, be careful what u push away, and think hard before walking away.. "

    "Life is like a box of chocolates, if u've got a nut allergy u're screwed..."

  3. "It's funny how someone can break ur heart and u still love them with all the little pieces.."

    "Once u lose someone, its never exactly the same person who comes back.."

    "When u think everything is falling apart, it might u just falling into another place.."

    "People intend to forget mistake that THEY made... but they never miss opportunity to point out OTHERS mistake.."

    "A woman will always forgive & forget.. But she'll never let u forget that she had forgiven & forgotten.."

    "If you continue to live in the past, your life is history.."

    "Nothing shows a man’s character more than what he laughs at.."

    "Don't Be Sad If U're Lonely.. The Moon Is Lonely And The Most Beautiful Thing In The Sky!!"

    "The cruelest lies are often told in silence.."

    "Promises are like babies: fun to make, but hell to deliver.. "

    "#Wondering Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?"

    "No one in this world is pure and perfect.. If u avoid the persons for their mistakes,then u will always be alone in this world.. "

    "Love is like wine.. To sip is fine, but to empty the bottle is a headache.."
