Jumat, 18 November 2011

Love Quotes

"My love is for u.. Although u are not mine.. But still my heart for u..""

"Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laugh, I’m falling apart. Look closely at me and u will see, the girl I am…isn’t me.."

"Blocked on Facebook: Done ✔ 
Unfollowed on Twitter: Done ✔
Erased from Cell Phone: Done ✔
Deleted from the Heart: Error X"

"I walk slowly and it kills me that u don’t care enough to stop me.."

"I may not be the hottest or prettiest girl out there but trust me, if u give me a chance, I will love u like no one else could.."

"I hope when he realizes how much he really loves me, I would already be with the guy that already knew.."

"U and me are like parallel lines, have so much in common but we’ll never meet.."

"My head said I’m over with u, but every time my phone vibrates, my heart still wishes it’s a text from u.." 

"At some point, I have to realize that some people can stay in my heart, but not in my life.."

"A part of me wants to erase u from my past, but another part of me still wants u in my future.." 

"Everyone else has left before. I hope u’ll be the one who decides to stay.." 

"The worst feeling in the world is when u can’t love anyone else, coz ur heart still belongs to the one who broke it..." 

"My dream is to be ur dream..."

"I may not be the hottest or prettiest girl out there but trust me, if u give me a chance, I will love u like no one else could.."

"I might not be everything u ever wanted, but I’m always going to be more than u deserve.."

 ""Sometimes it’s the things u don’t say that hurt the most.."

"Just because the relationship ended, doesn’t mean the feelings did.."

""I bet u don’t remember half of the things I’ll never forget.."

"I used to love u with all my heart, but now I tell myself I’m done. And then I look at u and tell myself I’m lying.. "

"I’ll be yours forever, just tell me when to start.."

"When u don’t tell me what’s wrong, I will automatically think it’s my fault.."

"To be perfectly honest, u're the only thing that I love. And it scares me more and more everyday.. "

"Dear heart, please fall in love only when u`re ready, not when u`re lonely... "

"It’s not that we aren’t meant to be together, I think that we’re just not ready for forever... "

2 komentar:

  1. "The worst thing that a man can do is let a woman realize that she can live without him.. "

    "For once in my life, I don't have to try to be happy. When I'm with u, it just happens.."

    "Every time I smile, I hope he’s watching. So maybe, just maybe, he’ll fall in love with smile just like I did with his…"

    " Love me or let me go. I think it should be a yes or a no, not an “I don’t know.” "

    "When I close my eyes u’re everywhere, but when I am awake u’re never there.."

    "I wish I could hurt u the way u hurt me. But I know that if I had the chance, I wouldn’t do it.."

    "If she is responsible for ur smile, be responsible with her heart.. "

    "I want to be the girl that changed everything, the girl that made a difference, that girl that gave u a story to tell.. "

  2. "I may be innocent to know what love is, I may not love u the way it should be, but I'm always willing to love u the way I understand it.."

    "Some broken hearts may never mend, some memories may never fade, some wet tears may never dry, but my love for u will never die.."

    " I have the "I", I have the "L", I have the "O", I have the "V", I have the "E"... So please, can I have "U"? "

    "If 10 people care 4 u, one of them is me, if 1 person cares 4 u that would be me again, if no 1 cares 4 u that means I'm not in this world.."

    "Be smart, be clever, put me in your heart, 4-ever..."

    "There's only one thing you must remember, you are the one for me.."

    "I want to be the only one to get the chance to see how amazing u really are..."

    "I'll always following u, coz when I was little, my mom told me to follow my dreams.."

    "No matter how long and hard u search, u'll never find someone who cares about u, the way I do.."

    "When it comes to say goodbye always remember that there will always be a part of me with u and i will never forget u.."

    "Last night i wanted to tweet u, but all i could write was ‘noh ss!w I’. It didn’t make any sense until you read it upside down.."

    "There is only one time when I stop thinking of you.. when I am with you.."

    "I can always take care of myself, but I still want to meet the person who can take care of me….much more than I do.."

    "To love is nothing. To be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything. I am nothing, u’re something so let me be ur everything.."

    "if the day comes when I die n go up in the sky I'll write ur name on every star so when u look up u'll c how much u realy mean to me.."

    "I miss you when I'm sad, I miss you when I'm lonely, but most of all I miss you when I'm happy.."

    "Love isn't blind, it makes u blind.."

    "Not every bird could dance but peacock did it.Not every flower could bring love but rose did it.Not every1 could reach my heart but u did it"

    "A Girls heart should be so lost in God, that a man has to seek God to find her.. "

    "God created Love,Adam & Eve introduced it,Cleopatra & Anthony practised it,Romeo & Juliet died for it,but U & ME shall LIVE 4 it!"

    "Expression of eyes can be read by everyone but depression of HEART can be only read by best one..."
